When emergencies happen, make sure your family is protected. A membership with Pinnacle EMS assures expenses are covered – all for as low as $50 a year.
A membership to the Pinnacle EMS Plan covers co-payments and deductibles on all medically necessary emergency ambulance transportation and nonemergency ambulance transportation if the member’s insurance approves that transportation.
Cost of Pinnacle EMS Membership
- $50.00 Member with Primary (Medicare) and Supplemental
- $60.00 Member with Primary Insurance (or Medicare) only
- $70.00 Member with no Insurance
How to Become a PEMS Member
Open enrollment is now through March 31. You can register through our online form or print the membership enrollment form and mail it with your payment to Pinnacle EMS, 1007 E. 8th St. Danville, AR 72833-8801
If you prefer to make payment over the phone, please call us at 501-251-4651.